Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How Do You Carry Hope?

Ariana Feder
How do you carry hope?
To all my fellow moms-in-training out there, listen in on what I am about to tell you. After a few weeks of being a new mom, you begin to understand that no, life is not able to revolve around you and the baby forever. Rather, there are clothes to be cleaned, dishes to be washed, food to be made, and dinner to be served. Because, let’s face it, you now have the daunting task of taking care of a family. Yes, it is definitely exciting but whether or not you are ready to take care of a newborn, the newborn is ready to be cared for. Don’t worry, we know what you are thinking, I cannot do this alone, and hopefully you won’t have to. But just to make your life that much easier our Hope Carried Baby Wrap or Linen Ring Slings can serve as both short term and long term benefits to both you and your baby. Let me explain further…
            As I mentioned earlier having your hands full with countless every days tasks, Hope Carried products will serve as utilitarian value to you and your entire family. Now, your baby can join you go the supermarket, go out for lunch with your girlfriends, or just quietly read a book in the peace and quiet of your own home all while your arms will be pain free attempting to comfortably hold your newborn for hours on end, (Babin, 2016, p.93) You will be able multitask like never before! No more carrying around an extra blanket when you need to breastfeed. With our cloud of comfort that swaddles your baby close to you, the wrap or sling can be used as an on-the-go blanket for discrete breastfeeding whenever necessary.

But that’s just the start. Dad will also benefit from a baby wrap as well. Since baby wearing promotes skin to skin contact studies show that since babies have been able to recognize their fathers voice ever since they have been cooking in the womb, when dad wears a sling, the baby feels an instant sense of calm which increases bonding between the father and child. Now that I have touched upon some benefits to mom and dad, let’s talk about the benefits our products have on your baby both now and for years to come!
While I can attest firsthand how helpful a ring sling has been on the development of my children, I will leave it up to the pros to give you the low down.  As noted in Fit Pregnancy by pediatrics Northwestern University, Dr. Shah noted how difficult it is for a newborn to regulate their own temperate post birth as the temperature in the womb is the same as your skin temperature. Therefore, the skin to skin contact your baby would be getting with our products will definitely allow your little one to make an easier post birth transition. Not only that, but your baby will be packing on the pound in no time as “When babies are warm, they don’t need to use their energy to regulate their body temperature. They can use that energy to grow instead.” As if that weren’t enough this Canadian Study on Wiley Online Library showed significant improvements in motor function and synaptic efficacy with infants who received “Kangaroo Care” than that of their counterparts who were placed in incubators, even after 15 years of life. So, with these benefits in mind, I say to you, my fellow mothers-in-training, your affect, or emotions towards our product will grow as soon as you take that first step in utilizing our product (Babin, 2016, p.98). Given all these benefits one can really understand the total value concept our product can bring to any family, as it can provide both experiential and functional value and change the way you go about your day! (Babin, 2016, p. 32)

Add footnotes:
Babin, B., & Harris, E. (2016). In CB 7 (7th ed., pp 32-110). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Wear the babies, Change the world. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from

Conde-Agudelo, A., & Belizán, J. M. (2011). Kangaroo mother care to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birthweight infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd002771

Fetters, K. A. (2016, December 01). Kangaroo Care: 9 Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from